The 5 Most Used Call-to-Action Designs on the Internet

Think of the times when you signed up for things or if you have downloaded something. Agreed or not, it was due to an effective Call-to-Action (CTA). It is through which you were guided and taken to the sign-up process. If there was no CTA, you might not have been enjoying all these applications and websites. Many top explainer video companies follow this tactic.

Following are the 5 most used call-to-action designs that are popular on the internet. They effectively guide the visitors through the buying journey.

Before we move on, here’s what you need to know!

What Is a Call to Action (CTA)?

A call to action is a request for the users to perform some desired certain actions. You might have seen it somewhere at the end on the websites, videos, or blogs with a persuasive tone. These mainly involve the step the writer wants the reader to take. It leads to actions with a link so that it would be easy for the reader to go to places and sites once the viewer reaches the page end. 

For example, if the blog is regarding a political party. The very end paragraph would be of call to action, including a register to vote link through which the reader can go to the voter registration form.

Well, it’s not necessary to put them at the very end. Sometimes companies place them anywhere when they know their reader is already looking for in search of the product, information, or service.

Now that you know, here’s a sneak peek of tricks to the most used call-to-action designs.

1. The Colors Duke, The Colors.

The colors you choose for your CTA really matter. If you want your visitors to interact and follow the instructions, go for a colored button on your site. Generally, green and orange buttons are reported to be the best and most effective. However, it also depends upon your site’s layout and design. Of course, you would not want a green CTA button on your green background.

Choose those colors which appear to be good in contrast according to your site. If you are still not sure, give more time to your research and see what colors are appealing and sophisticated.

2. Create a Sense of Urgency

A sense of urgency means to persuade the reader to follow the given steps or go to the site where you have instructed. The act of urgency will be portrayed through the expression and the tone of the writing. For example,

  • Sign Up today to get 50% off.
  • Build Apps E-Course for $30.
  • Register for the PPC Webinar Now!

It helps the visitor to reach the site instantly. The links enable them to directly sign-up and find the information they were looking for.

3. Fancy with Button Graphics

In most of the scenarios, graphic buttons and small arrows play a significant role in increasing the click-through rate. However, if you are going for graphical buttons, know that the icons should be clear and highlighted. Remember, they are created for the readers’ ease and not confusion.

There are situations when you want to add a piece of information to the button text to give users further acknowledgment. For example, a “Start Your Free Trial” button may include “30-day trial” or “no credit card” written beneath it.

4. Cart Calls to Action

E-commerce platforms want their sites to be appealing and attractive, as it aids the visitors to make purchase decisions. That is why they spend most of their time creating the best add-to-cart and purchase button. It might be surprising, but even a small adjustment in the cart button will dramatically affect the conversion rate.

Today’s online shopping sites are also looking for ways to create a payment graphical button. That would be linked with PayPal or the Bank account, enabling the user to buy the product/service.

5. Large and Legible Text

The text should be larger than the other content you have written. But not that large that it would look intolerable and obnoxious. It drives the visitor’s attention toward the content.

You can also use a mixture of creative font sizes and colors to enlighten your text in the user’s eye. Many media marketing companies use an H1 font of 27-pixel, as it looks more appealing and drives maximum attention. The second most important is the big white bar for “Email Address” or “Get started” text.


Over the past decade, marketing has evolved at 360 degrees, but the ultimate goal is still the same. You want to draw the visitors’ attention and make them perform the desired action. CTAs are important to make this happen. They are not only vital but effective as well.

The above-mentioned CTAs are the most popular in this era. However, who knows what will come up in the future which would be more operative and efficient than CTAs. Many top explainer video companies like Simply Explainer, follow these CTAs to retain their customers and indulge them to perform the desired task. Why should you stay behind? 

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Picture of Dean John

Dean John